
Petra Richer

I was born in Budapest, but grew up in a small town next to the capital, in Solymár, Hungary with my father, László, my mother, Andrea, and my younger brother, Márk. I attended the American International School of Budapest for thirteen years and completed the International Baccalaureate Program, taking higher level English, History, and Biology, and standard level Mathematics, German, and Chemistry. During high school I also participated in varsity track and field for three years, and soccer for four, and I was a member of the National Honor Society.

The liberal arts program of Sewanee appealed to me greatly, since there are a great variety of cources offered and I am interested in a wide range of subjects, so it seemed like the perfect fit. I hope to study biology, perhaps neuroscience, history, and languages during my time here. I also wish to become engaged in the Sewanee community and make use of all the wonderful opportunities available to me here on this beautiful mountain.